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Touch Developments

Land Promotion

unlocking complex sites and developing long term vision 

Welcome to 

Touch Developments Property Developers


Adding value to every project by unlocking a site's development potential and maximising return for the landowner.

Touch Developments was founded by Graeme Milne, who recognised the fundamental need for landowners and land agents to be able to proceed quickly with property and land disposals, predominantly for residential purposes, without waiting for lengthy board approvals.

Touch Developments has over 50 years experience in residential and mixed-use development and an established track record of acquiring sites promptly, either unconditionally or subject-to-planning, for either individual or corporate clients.

Our track record

Plots delivered to date

Plots in planning

Plots secured

Operating sectors

Village Aerial

Strategic land

Touch Developments work alongside landowners with large areas of land, which have not been fully optimised.

With our excellent working relationship with a large number of Local Authorities combined with our expertise we have managed to unlock several large sites for development.


Touch Developments has secured consent on several complicated brownfield sites, which had previously proven difficult economically to develop. 

With our ability to value engineer a site and look at all the angles we successfully managed to secure a successful outcome for all parties concerned.


Care & retirement

Touch Developments understand the importance of providing employment use in certain instances when bringing forward residential sites.

This can be a use which complements certain residential developments and maximises the value of the site.

Affordable housing

Touch Developments are able to optimise land values with landowners by working alongside Housing Associations.

Touch Developments has brought greenbelt land forward under rules for rural exception as well as providing 100% affordable housing in order to unlock a site whilst at the same time providing a good land value for the landowner.

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The types of sites of interest 

Touch Developments is actively looking to acquire the following:

- Land and fields next to towns or villages

- Brownfield regeneration challenges such as redundant commercial and industrial premises and garden centres 

- Vacant and derelict land or agricultural buildings

- Properties with large gardens


Century Court, Tolpits Lane, Northwood, Watford WD18 9RS

Graeme Milne 07786 870340

Lee Cartwright 07722 237658

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Copyright 2024 Touch Developments

Website by Peter Krelle

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